About The Project
The main focus is on a Development project and the aim is the create educational material. Five organizations from Latvia, Lithuania, Island, Denmark, Estonia together with students and experts from different fields and industries, in all countries, will create round table seminars and workshops over the next two years to develop new teaching material for adults, secondary school, and high education institutions. For education, entrepreneurs, work-life, and development. In two year program will be created 5 workshops (seminars) in all five countries with students, teachers, trainers, and different specialists from different fields and industries. In each workshop will be at least 30 persons (10 students, 10 teachers or trainers, and 10 experts) and 1 conference (online) with all partners from all countries to close-up two years program, present achieved results and create the Establishment of the network for further cooperation.Purpose of the Project: Achieve through the project effect, which would lead to the creation of methods that promote the
convergence of formal education and business environment and the creation of a shared vision.
Achieving a concept that would enable entrepreneurs to have more confidence in students with
formal education and in turn give students and experts opportunities and perspectives in the business
environment. Between formal education and entrepreneurs, there is a big gap. Very often entrepreneurs
don't believe in formal education and its decrease the ability of students to get a job in specialty ore to
get a job with a good salary, after formal education they should get life education incorporation at least
3-5 years, to work in that position which is appropriate to the level of education. It creates a gap between
students and formal education. Students more and more lose sense and importance of education, they
see formal education just as a paper - diploma, but not as a value. To make a significant influence on
the formal education institutions (to reduce that gap) for this purpose non-formal adult education centers
might be used here as more flexible in creating programs to fit the needs. Partners are training providers
that could benefit from the program when creating new training programs contributing to filling in this gap
as well.
The purpose is to create the teaching materials for formal and adult education, which could be a
guidebook for entrepreneurs as well to reduce the gaps in the education of students and adult learners
and workers. This project is an attempt to reduce this gap and create a bridge between valuable
education and entrepreneurship.
All methodologies and files from the project will be posted on the web page and also as paper material and educational material.
From the perspective of Nordplus horizontal program objectives, this project supports the following guidelines:
1) To support cross-sectoral network and project activities
2) To contribute to improved synergy and cooperation in the context of life-long learning
3) To support innovative projects spanning traditional categories and sectors, which can tackle new, different, broader, or more complex issues and challenges
4) To promote more outward-looking Nordic cooperation and support cooperation with countries beyond
the Nordic and Baltic regions
• Investigate the existing educational elements of the partner organizations, which are already being used according to the project goal
• Create experts, entrepreneurs, and student round table teams according to the aim of the project.
• Through round table activities find common vision and methods, by using the guidelines and the basic concept of the project – exchange of specific information and basic lines creation.
• To collect, analyze, process information, and create basic theses for the development of the methods and applying them to education and/or entrepreneurship.
• Develop an outcome of the project according to the project aim and guidelines.
Main outcomes:
1. Web site platform with the project info, aim, researchers, and developed methodology
2. Teaching material to apply in education and/or in entrepreneurship
Expected results and outcomes from the project:
Instead of the program for the standardized teaching program was created a Development project for teachers, students, educators, and experts from different fields and SME's through the round table method. The idea how to improve educational material quality, because this is one of the biggest challenges in education, to create a material that is relevant for real-life education, employees, and SME's needs. All participants - experts, educators, teachers, students will be asked to collect their methodological ideas and include them in the development of the teaching materials of the project. Collecting the best idea will be an important part of this project. The project final event – conference at the second year of the project will be provided and all the ideas created and collected through the project will be presented with systematic, holistic teaching material for implementation in teaching programs, employee development project programs in SME's and more. Equipping all citizens with valuable skills has been one of the main goals of education systems over many decades in Europe. Yet, the teaching and learning of these skills is a very complex process for students, learners, and teachers. There are a lot of strategies, methods, tools, and ideas, however, real-life-related knowledge creates professionalism and motivation in the learning process, which plays one of the main roles. Round table methodology and inclusion of SME experts and students in educational process creation create a positive context among education development, promote sharing of experiences, and provide exchanges. That's creating a sense of project content and project outcomes are valuable benefits.
1. Web site platform with the project info, aim, researchers, and developed methodology
2. Teaching material to apply in education and in entrepreneurship
3. Innovative approach to creating teaching materials
4. Valuable exchange of experience and increase of competencies for all involved parties - SME's experts, students, teachers, and end-user - the learner.
5. improvement of skills, also how to organize learning-teaching material creation, and how to systematize and arrange the outcome of workshops and discussions in relation to educational content and methodology.
6. All partner organizations have educational programs and different study programs realized in organizations and can advise potential candidates; advertise study possibilities of all organizations.
7. Also will be managed collaboration for further projects.
8. First of all improving their skills is the main benefit for every international project participant, also improving their professional skills and establish useful connections is a great investigation in their future career.
The development process of educational material is something unique – it has the basic guidelines, but it
is impossible to separate their general abilities and dominants in specific aspects. But it is definitely clear
that any experience gained from international cooperation and other institution from a different field, but
not only, even in local perspective is welcome and with grate benefits, but to expand it with collaboration
with another country is highly recommended and are very important for successful development of all
involved institutions. It gives new creative ideas on how to optimize, improve and develop all processes
from all perspectives, because from a distance ”with other eyes looking” is always better visible mistakes
and weaknesses and also noticeable advantages and strengths. Working only in the local environment is a real danger with risks of stagnation. An international collaboration project is an excellent possibility to
organize work at school better – modern, creative, and attractive.
All project result – experience gained on the developed teaching material, experience of organizational
aspects, and other gained skills and knowledge, as well as all created methods and tools, will be used by
all project partners in their daily work in all organizations.